Stay Rooted -Hair Connections

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Stay Rooted -Hair Connections

It is said that hair is the root that connects us to the divine and keeps us grounded.

In other words, the head, and the hair are the antennae to the universe, to God, to the source. So, we should guard our crowns from any unwarranted energies.

Stay Rooted

Hair is part of our creation and each strand serves a huge purpose. In various cultures, we dress, crown and adorn our hair for it carries grace and substance.

That's why it is paramount that we are mindful of the hand that touches our hair. Cowry shells are not mere decorative natural sea and water elements but carry protective energies that guard and attract abundance.

So, for this unique pair, I have designed a woman crowned in her beauty with hair neatly in place with her body decorations, gracefully taking her position.

Earrings will be available on my website very soon.


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