Gifts As An Act Of Worship

DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

When we use the gifts that God and the universe have blessed us with, it’s a remarkable act of worship.
People think God smiles when we are praying, singing or going to church or place of devotion.
Nope! Do you know that God and the universe smile when we use our gift(s)?
When we don’t pursue our dreams or visions by using our gifts, we are fulfilling the devils greatest desire for us.
Think about that for a minute!
The devil will distract what it cannot destroy, and that distraction will gradually lead to the destruction of our destinies.
So, please don’t sit there and question; "How you don’t have any gifts or talents.”
You do!
Take your time to figure out your gift(s).
Take time to love yourself more, without distractions to find out your purpose on this earth.
Take time out to ask yourself honest questions that will change your life.
Ask yourself; "Can you do your uttermost best to worship God and the universe with your gift(s)?”
People often go around stealing dreams that weren’t destined for them, living unfulfilled, unhappy and depressed lives.
I understand we have to make sacrifices to sustain ourselves and our loved ones. I get it!
Ask yourself, are you going to spend the rest of your life sacrificing yourself for a mediocre life?
Are you not tired of endlessly pursuing a life that makes your heart ache by settling for comfort because of fear and doubt of pursuing your dream or talents?
Please do not exchange or discount your worship for fairish.
Snatch that burning worship inside of you and bless the universe with outstanding praise.
Your praise will change lives.
Your praise will transform the future of many.
Your praise will bring joy and happiness to many.
Your praise can change and impact the world.
Your praise will bring healing and hope to the hopeless.
Don’t undermine your worship.
Use your burning worship for greatness.
Remember, you don’t have to be specially gifted and talented at everything.
Just use what God and the universe have blessed you with and do great and mighty things.


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