Latest Posts — MotivationalQuotes
Warm yourself on full blast
CreativeMotivation MotivationalQuotes
Anita HorsfallWe have all been in love, then out of love, repeat, right. But, Love is the most extensively exhilarating experience you'll ever experience if you love yourself right. When you dare to allow love to live and flow within you, everything you touch and feel becomes a physical reflection of the pleasure you take in owning and celebrating who you are. Love yourself. ❤️ it's on repeat each time. It rolls out of the tongue like fine wine. But, honestly, Do not be ashamed into denying who you are to keep others warm. Warm yourself on full blast; when you...
May Peace Be Onto You.
DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes
Anita HorsfallHello beautiful souls, how are you all doing today? I came across this incredible citation that I would like to share with you. It goes like this; "Ego says; once everything falls into place, I will find peace.” Then the spirit says; "Find peace and everything will fall into place.” In life, we often say to ourselves, when we have everything we want then we can begin to enjoy ourselves. We often forget that the blessing and joy come from the gradual steps leading to that great accomplishment. You can find peace amid the madness. Sure I can attest to...
Staying Strong And Motivated
Anita HorsfallWe may not control the uncertainties that have befallen upon us and the world that we live in, but it's very important that we take a moment to appreciate this very life that we have all taken for granted. I know it's stormy. It's dark and confusing. I know It's a weary time and it's a trying period for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, the entirety of the world. May we not lose hope. May we be of good courage and remain steadfast May we not permit fear to control our existence and make us deviate from those very...
Don't Be Fazed By Others
Anita HorsfallDon’t allow people with no purpose to distract you away from yours. Some people just don’t deserve the opportunity to faze you or the power to make you mad. You’ll get it wrong at times so expect to be judged, expect to be doubted, expect to be talked about; but understand that your mission is greater than your mistakes. Don’t waste valuable time trying to prove yourself to pointless people. Accept where you’ve been. Understand where you are, and focus on where you are going.-Rob Hill Sr Good morning Kings and Queens, wishing you all a beautiful day as gorgeous...
Anita HorsfallStunning Portrait by Toni Luciani A beautiful face will age, and a perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul. As we embark on this journey called life, a little something to ponder over today and every day. Ageing is a stage in one's life that can never be escaped, no matter how many times we go under the knife. Often people perceive getting old as very sad and depressing. We hope and wish to hold onto our youthful looks. But we often forget that just like nature transformation occurs at every season, and...