Latest Posts — MotivationalQuotes

You are the face of your decisions.

Anita Horsfall DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

You are the face of your decisions.

You are the face of your decisions. Make it incredibly beautiful and kind.

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Check your heart, before you wreck your life.

ANITA HORSFALL DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

Check your heart, before you wreck your life.

The thing with people searching for their other half is that they forget that they are not a half, they are wholesome. If you fill the need to search for your missing half, may I honestly advise you to first declutter yourself in order to make room to find yourself? Quit looking for the other half to complete you, because they can not.  They are their own entity. They are their own being. Their own self.  Born and created for a sole mission and purpose.  Quit putting pressure on a wholesome wanderer to commit to the love they don't understand....

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Too Much Expectation Leads To Frustration

ANITA HORSFALL blog DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

Photo Courtesy of SterlingPics titled "Her Sisters Keeper." Sometimes people who we care about can't be there for us, simply because they are not there for themselves. Isn't that the truth? We go through life expecting, demanding, needing and wanting from people who cannot give us what we want. Not because they don't love or care for us, it's merely because they can't provide or offer something they don't have. We can't go to someone who doesn't love themselves and expect them to love us. We can't go to a hurtful person and expect them to give us peace. We...

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Gifts As An Act Of Worship

ANITA HORSFALL DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

Gifts As An Act Of Worship

When we use the gifts that God and the universe have blessed us with, it’s a remarkable act of worship.People think God smiles when we are praying, singing or going to church or place of devotion. Nope! Do you know that God and the universe smile when we use our gift(s)?When we don’t pursue our dreams or visions by using our gifts, we are fulfilling the devils greatest desire for us. Think about that for a minute!The devil will distract what it cannot destroy, and that distraction will gradually lead to the destruction of our destinies.So, please don’t sit there and question; "How...

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