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May Peace Be Onto You.

Anita Horsfall DailyMotivation MotivationalQuotes

May Peace Be Onto You.

Hello beautiful souls, how are you all doing today? I came across this incredible citation that I would like to share with you.  It goes like this; "Ego says; once everything falls into place, I will find peace.” Then the spirit says; "Find peace and everything will fall into place.” In life, we often say to ourselves, when we have everything we want then we can begin to enjoy ourselves.  We often forget that the blessing and joy come from the gradual steps leading to that great accomplishment. You can find peace amid the madness. Sure I can attest to...

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The Art of Communicating

Anita Horsfall blog DailyMotivation

I'm here for you, this is the best and the most precious gift you can give a loved one.  Nothing is more precious than your true fresh presence. You offer it to increase your happiness and your loved one's happiness. To love someone means to be there for him or her. To be there is an art and practice.Are you truly there for the person you say that you love 100 per cent? Using the skills of mindful breathing and mindful walking, you can bring together your body and mind to restore yourself and to produce your true presence in...

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What is the price of your peace?

Anita Horsfall DailyMotivation

What is the price of your peace?

This beautiful picture of Youssouf Sanogo, cradled by his mother, Hawa Diawara, Photographed by Ilvy Njiokiktjien/VII Photo Agency/Unicef, featured in the Guardian,  warmed my heart. When I saw this beautiful, special child, this quote by r.h. Sin came to my mind. "She's fixing herself for herself, don't distract her.” The world is heavy right now. There are so much pain and discomfort. I have sat in darkness and cried, looking for answers, yet, I find myself murmuring prayers to God who I cannot see, but feel in every way. Demons danced boldly beside me, tempting my faith and believes. Enticing...

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People Aren't Homes

Anita Horsfall DailyMotivation

People Aren't Homes

People aren’t homes. Queen, King, why did no one ever teach you that you cannot turn people into homes? People are rivers, Ever changing, ever flowing. They will disappear with everything you put inside them. Still, your home does have a heartbeat. But it isn’t one locked in anyone else’s chest. Just look inside your own. -Nikita Gill I absolutely love this excerpt by Nikita. In the past, I looked for love in the wrong people, because I forgot that the greatest love lied inside of me. I helped build my lovers up, and there is nothing wrong with that,...

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Loves Leaves A Memory No One Can Steal

Anita Horsfall DailyMotivation

Loves Leaves A Memory No One Can Steal

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. As we remember many people who have since passed away, and present during this period, may we continue to channel the energy of empathy to strengthen the aching hearts of their loved ones. Gone too soon, but we shall continue to hold them close to our hearts until we meet them someday in heaven. Not all superheroes wear capes as they say. But many superheroes are dying while saving the lives of many people who are battling to inhale and exhale. This is not...

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